HSC English Suggestions 1st and 2nd Paper (Exclusive)

Exclusive Suggestions

HSC Examination-2020

English 1st Paper

Ques. No. 1
MCQ and Q/A
1)      Valentina Tereshkova
2)      When you are in the driving [U-2, L-1]
3)      As a child you must have [U-4, L-1]
4)      Adolescents constitute [U-5, L-2] ***
5)      When a girl gets married [U-5, L-2]
6)      One of the sources [U-8, L-1] ***
7)      Kuakata [U-8, L-5] ***
8)      According to [U-9, L-3]
9)      The term ‘diaspora’[U-11, L-1] ***
10)  Beauty is easy to appreciate
11)  Folk music consists

Ques. No. 2
1)      In Bangladesh folk—
2)      The term ‘diaspora’[U-11, L-1] ***
3)      A peace movement[U-12, L-5] ***
4)      According to some myths [U-9, L-3]
5)      A vast mangrove forest [U-8, L-3]
6)      Today, we take for granted ---- it has ever since
7)      Nelson Mandela played a -----
8)      Conflict can be defined [U-12, L-2]
9)      In Bangladesh, the legal…..
10)  A craftwork is an applied [U-14, L-3]
11)  The streets are now my ------
12)  The time of adolescence is  -----
13)  I declared that the Assembly ----used force on us (Information transfer)
Question No. 4: Cloze Test With Clues: From Test paper (3-30) + Textual
Question No. 5: Cloze Test Without Clues: From Test paper (3-30) + Textual
Question No. 6: Rearrange: From Test paper (3-29) + Textual Rearrange
Ques. No. 7
Paragraph Writing
1)      The Historical 7th March Speech***
2)      The Sundarbans***
3)      Diaspora***
4)      Folk Music***
5)      Adolescence***
6)      Etiquette and Manners***
7)      Human Rights***
8)      Food Adulteration***
***(1) Water Pollution
*** (2)Modern Technology/ Computer/Internet/Mobile Phone
*** (3) International Mother Language Day
*** (4) Satellite TV Channels
** (5) Climate Change
** (6) Environment Pollution
** (7) Eve Teasing
** (8) Female Education
** (9) Price Spiral/ Price Hike
** (10) Importance of Learning English
* (11) Deforestation
* (12) Gender Equity
* (13) Bangla New Year
*(14) Book Fair
*(15) Your Country/ Your Homeland

Ques. No. 8
Completing Story
***(1) A Thirsty Crow [CB’11]
*** (2) A friend in need is friend indeed
*** (3) Honesty is the best             policy[DB’11;CB’09;DjB’11]
*** (4) A Little Creature is Even Mightier than a             Bigger one [SB’13]
*** (5) Slow and steady wins the race[CtgB’12;BB’12]
*** (6) Grasp all, lose all (A farmer and his wonderful goose)
*** (7) Witty Saadi
*** (8)Who will bell the cat?
*** (9)Money cannot bring happiness
*** (10) Nobody believes a liar 
*** (11) Unity is strength (The old farmer and his sons)
**(12) A Responsible School Boy [RB’11]
** (13) A Night in the Deep Forest                      [JB’11]
** (14) My First Day at College [JB’10]
** (15) An Inconsiderate Lady [SB’10]
** (16) Collapse of a Garment Factory             [BB’14]
** (17) Failure is the pillar of success [CB’12;                 SB’09]
 *(18) A Pleasant Plan Journey [BB’09]
*(19) Grasp all lose all (a dong stole a piece             of         meat)
*(20) Two friends and a bag of gold coins
*(21) A crow and a fox
*(22) A clever Fox 

Ques. No. 9
Informal Letters/Emails
***(1) Write an email/ letter to your friend telling him about your preparation for the HSC Examination.
*** (2)Write an email/ letter to your friend telling him/her about what you intend to do after your HSC examination.
*** (3) Write an email/ letter to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your college.
*** (4) Write an email/ letter to your friend describing a picnic at a historic place/study tour.
*** (5) Write an email/ letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend the summer vacation with you.
*** (6) Write an email/letter to your friend about harmful effects of drug addiction..
*** (7) Write an email/ letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his /her brilliant success in the HSC Examination.
** (8)Write an email/ letter to your friend thanking him/her for his/her hospitality.
** (9)Write an email/ letter to your friend expressing your condolence at her/his father’s death.
** (10) Write an email/ letter to your friend describing the sports day of your college
** (11) Write an email/ letter to your friend telling him/her about how to improve English
** (12) Write an email to your brother advising him to be punctual and sincere to studies.
* (13) Write an email/ letter to your friend describing the importance of physical exercise
* (14)Write an email/ letter to your friend about benefits of reading newspapers
* (15)Write an email/ letter to your friend describing the foods and the food-habits of the people of Bangladesh.
* (16) Write an email/ letter to your friend describing the accident that you witnessed

Ques. No. 10
Analyzing maps/graphs/ charts
***(1)Yearly imports and exports of a country
***(2)Pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh
***(3) The infant mortality rate
***(4)The selling rate of 4 types of books
***(5)The population growth rate
***(6) Number of people in percentage, living below the poverty line.
***(7)The literacy rate in Bangladesh in different years
***(8)The number of mobile phone users in Bangladesh
**(9) A map of Dhaka city with important establishments.
**(10)The interest of the students of a secondary school in different subjects
**(11) The internet users from 2000 to 2009
**(12) The percentage of a family’s household income distributed into different categories
*(13) The time allocation on various activities
*(14) The choice of profession by the educated people
*(15) Information about some countries
*(16) The number of road accident in Bangladesh

Ques. No. 11
Writing Theme
1.      Amidst killer speeds I stand…. For your safety               [U-2,L-3,P-24]
2.      Blow, blow, thou … bitter sky…/ the green holly…       [U-4, L-2, P-42]
3.       I love to rise in the summer morn….                               [U-5, L-3]
4.       The buzz snarled…. Bear a/…. From work/… affair.     [U-7, L-5, P-90]
5.      Because I have seen Benglal’s face…bells on her feet.    [U-9,L-1, P-111]
6.       All people dream, but not…. Them come true.               [U-10, L-2, P-126]
7.       Hold fast to dreams… frozen with snow.                       [U-10, L-2, P-127]
8.       I will arise and go now… the deep heart’s core.                         [U-12,L-1(A), P-146]
9.      I sit on one of the dives                                                    [U-12,L-1(B), P-147]
10.  Half a league, half a league,
11.  She works in beauty, like the … love is innocent!            [U-14, L-1(A), P-181]
12.   I died for beauty… covered up our names.                     [U-14, L-1(B), P-181]

English 2nd Paper
1.      Question No.-1: Articles:  All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
2.      Question No.-2: Preposition: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
3.      Question No.-3: Special Uses of words/phrases: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
4.      Question No.-4: Completing Sentences: Rules+ All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
5.      Question No.-5: Right Form of Verbs: Rules+ All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
6.      Question No.-6: Transformation of Sentences: Rules + All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper
7.      Question No.-7: Narration: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
8.      Question No.-8: Pronoun Reference: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
9.      Question No.-9: Modifiers:  All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
10.  Question No.-10: Connectors: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
11.  Question No.-11: Synonyms and Antonyms: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
12.  Question No.-12: Punctuation: All Boards (2016-2019) + Test Paper Exercise
Writing Part:

Ques. No. 13
Formal Letter (Application)
Write an application to the Principal of your college for
1)       Accommodation/ A seat in the college hostel.
2)      Seeking his permission to go on a study tour.
3)      Introducing multimedia facilities in classrooms.
4)      Admission on TC.
5)      Seeking permission to organize a debating club/ an English speaking club/ a computer club/ a common room/ a literary club
6)      Providing sound system in large classroom.
7)      Increasing library facilities/college common room/ Computer club facilities. / Providing internet/wifi facility on the college campus/ library.
8)      Write an application with your CV.

9)      Requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell-phone in the class room or in the examination hall.
10)  Requesting to set up a canteen on the college campus.
11)  For a testimonial.
12)  Changing one of your elective subjects.
13)   for an English Daily/ Newspaper for the college common room.
14)  For TC
15)  To change the elective subject.
16)  To open a relief camp in the college premises for the flood affected people.
17)  Write an application to the Upazila Chairman for the repair of the roads in your locality.
Ques. No. 13
E-mail Writing
1)      Write an email to the Admission Section of Oxford University asking them about admission process for overseas students.
2)      Suppose, you are a student of the Department of English, Dhaka University. You have received an e-mail from the Director of Bangla Academy to attend a seminar on language study. Now write a reply to that email.
3)      Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Write an e-mail to an internet service provider for providing internet facilities for the upgradation of your library.
4)      Write an e-mail to your friend requesting him to join a picnic you are going to enjoy.
5)      Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating oh his brilliant result in the H.S.C. Examination.
6)      Write an email to your father telling him about your preparation in the H.S.C Examination.
7)      Write an email to your friend telling him/her about a picnic you enjoyed.
8)      Write an email to your friend telling him/her about what you intend to do after you H.S.C Examination.
9)      Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.
10)  Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for sending  the birthday gift.

Ques. No. 14
Report Writing
1)      Write a report on ‘Impact of Facebook on Young Generation’.
2)      Write a report on the devastating consequences of drug addiction in the context of Bangladesh.
3)      You have recently witnessed a massive fire on a garment factory. Now write a report on it.
4)      Write a report about the price hike of day to day commodities in your area.
5)      Write a report on food adulteration.
6)      Write a report on the prize giving ceremony held in your college few days ago
7)      Write a report on corruption in Bangladesh
8)      Write a report on a book fair you have recently visited/ Science Fair
9)      Write a report on the miserable conditions of the slum dwellers.
10)  Write a report on different causes of failure in English.
11)  Write a report narrating the sufferings of the flood victims.
12)  Write a report on a road accident you have witnessed.
13)  Write a report on a cultural programme that was held in your college.
14)  Write a report on deforestation and its devastating consequences.
15)   Write a report on The Victory Day/ Independent Day/ 21 February
16)   Write a report on traffic jam/ load shedding
17)  Write a report on the publication of HSC exam
18)  Write a report on Environment Pollution (Air/water/sound) in Dhaka city.
19)  Write a report on the problem of water-logging in your locality.

Ques. No. 15
1st Paper +  the following:
1)      Duties and qualities of an ideal student
2)      Drug Addiction
3)      Cause and effects of road accident
4)      City Life and Rural Life
5)      A Rickshaw Puller/ A Street Hawker
6)      A Farmer
7)      Tree Plantation
8)      Your College Magazine
9)      Your College Library
10)  Early Rising
11)  Newspapers

Ques. No. 16
1)      Female Education/ Do you think female education is essential for social development? Give reasons for your answer.
2)      Population Problems in Bangladesh/ Is our population a prospect or a problem? What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.
3)      The impact of Climate Change
4)      Students and Social Service
5)      Uses and Abuses of Internet/ Does Internet play a vital role in Bangladesh? Give reasons for your answer.
6)      Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life
7)      Value of Time
8)      Digital Bangladesh
9)      Your Favourite Hobby
10)  Deforestation and its consequences
11)  Natural Disasters in Bangladesh
12)  Uses and abuses of Mobile Phone
13)  Childhood Memories
14)  Patriotism
15)  A Journey You Have Recently Made
16)  Your Favourite Personality
17)  Environment Pollution
18)  Rivers/ Birds/ Fruits of Bangladesh
19)  Dangers of Drug Addictions.

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